What's New

Dressing for the Weather

Child jumping in leavesFall is officially here and with it comes much cooler temperatures.  Students participate daily in outdoor recess.  Therefore, proper clothing is essential for the students to remain warm during their time outside.  Please help your child to make good choices for outside play.  These include wearing a winter coat (not just a hoodie sweatshirt), long pants, sneakers, hats, mittens and, soon boots.

If you or your child has any questions regarding the clothing expectations, please call the school at (413) 423-3326.

Form Reminder

If you have not already done so, please return all forms (Emergency Card, Health History, Fluoride, Permission to Transport, Free/Reduced Lunch Application, Etc.)  If you need more copies, please call the school office 413-423-3326

Pictures and the Internet

The start of the school year brings excitement for all (parents and students).  It seems that everywhere we turn there is the click of a camera.  We would like to remind everyone that it is against the law to post pictures of a child other then your own child on Facebook, Instagram, etc.

School sponsored sites (newsletter, website, class blogs, closed invitation only media/information sites that are designed for class parents) are all fine as the school is adhering to the form that governs publication of student images and information.  As long as parents understand that they cannot copy and paste images and information from these sites/blogs etc. onto their own public sites.  We thank you for honoring these precautions and keeping our students pictures confidential.

 Bus Behavior

​If your child rides the bus, please go over the importance of following the bus rules.

​The Rules are few: stay seated until reaching your destination (home or school), use quiet voices, no eating or drinking, keep hands and feet to yourselves.  Should there be a problem they should let the bus driver and principal know as soon as possible.

School Start Times

We would like to remind parents that school day begins at 8:45am and all students should be seated and in class at that time.

Students are invited to proceed to their classrooms at 8:35am.

Students arriving prior to 8:35am are asked to wait in the lobby area with their parent/guardian.